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About Us

 We are a voluntary non profit making organisation and rely on fundraising and donations to enhance the lives of Deaf people.  Our volunteers are both Deaf and hearing people who work endlessly to support our Centre.



The Centre helps to meet the needs of those who are disadvantaged in society, it improves life within the community as it provides a high quality accessible Centre to Deaf, hard of hearing and hearing people through appropriate communication. Activities such as bingo, card making, computer courses, healthy eating, over 50's club, youth groups, Sign Choir, sports competitions and socialising take place at our Centre. We also hold training activities, such as BSL classes, monthly Deaf Café and have a designated Equipment Aids Room in partnership with Warrington Borough Council.


01925 634 640

11-13 Wilson Patten Street, Warrington, WA1 1PG

Richard Jones (Centre Manager)

Opening Hours:

Monday - 9am til 5pm
Tuesday - 9am til 4:30pm
Wednesday - 9am til 4:30pm
Thursday - 9am til 4:30pm
Friday - 9am til 4pm

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Registered Charity No. 1092937                      Chairperson: Mike Bryan

Data Protection Policy

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