Warrington Deaf Centre
Get Involved at Warrington Deaf Centre!
Warrington Deaf Club
Join us at one of our social sessions or take part in one of our sports teams. Find out when we are open here:

Warrington BSL Signing Choir
If you are able to sign and would like to join our Choir please come along to one of our practices on a Thursday evening here at Warrington Deaf Club. We meet the first Thursday of the month, 7.30pm-9.00pm. It's a great way to practice and improve your signing skills among a friendly group of Deaf and hearing members and a lot of fun!
Please email Julie for more information: warringtonsigningchoir@hotmail.co.uk
If you want to be part of an amazing team of volunteers, get in touch today!
For more information or to sign up to volunteer, contact secretary@warringtondeafhub.org

We run regular fundraising events and everyone is welcome!
Take part in our fundraising activities or do some fundraising of your own!
Our next fundraiser is our Cheese & Wine Night on Friday 4th October.
For all fundraising/donation enquiries, please contact Emily at